Board Committees
The Board has appointed an audit & Sustainability committee, a remuneration committee and a Contract oversight committee. The committee members are selected among the board members for a one-year term. The Board has established the Sustainability Committee within the Audit Committee to ensure that the Sustainability work received full attention.
Audit & Sustainability Committee
The Audit & Sustainability Committee consists of two members, Marie-Louise Gefwert and Ben Braun.
The main Audit responsibilities are:
• Preparations for the Board’s work on assuring the quality of the Company’s and the group’s accounting, financial reporting and internal control as well as financial risk and risk management.
• Monitoring and addressing issues concerning the efficiency of the Company’s internal controls, regulatory compliance and risk management, in general as well as, in particular, in respect of the financial reporting.
• Monitoring and evaluating the work of the auditor and monitoring the impartiality and independence of the auditor.
• Informing the Board of the outcome of the auditors audit and explaining how the audit contributed to the integrity of financial reporting and what the role of the committee was in that process.
• Assisting in conjunction with preparation of, and recommending the nomination committee, proposals to the AGM’s resolution regarding election of an auditor, including administering the selection procedure.
• Monitoring accounting developments in areas that may affect EG7.
The main Sustainability responsibilities are:
• Ensure an aligned and well prepared and supervised sustainability model of the Company, with an emphasis on supervision of strategy, implementation of strategy and monitoring and evaluation of EG7´s work within the sustainability area. The sustainability committee has the following main responsibilities:
• Prepare the Board’s decisions on issues concerning sustainability.
• Monitor and evaluate the Company’s goals within the sustainability area.
• Monitor and evaluate the application of the guidelines issued by the Board within the sustainability area.
• For each financial year review the Company’s sustainability report, which is to be included in the Company’s annual report or approved by the Board as a separate report in connection with the approval of the annual report of the Company.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee consists of two members, Jason Epstein and Gunnar Lind. The Remuneration Committee has the following main responsibilities:
• Preparing the Board’s decisions on issues concerning principles for remuneration, remuneration amounts and other terms of employment for executive management.
• Monitoring and evaluating programs for variable remuneration to the executive management, both ongoing programs as well as such that have ended during the year.
• Monitoring and evaluating the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the executive management that the general meeting is legally obliged to establish, as well as the current remuneration structures and remuneration levels within the Company.
Contract oversight Committee
The Contract Oversight Committee consists of all the independent board members, Ben Braun, Gunnar Lind, Marie-Louise Gefwert, Ron Moravek and Ebba Ljungerud. The committee is advised by a number of independent third-party experts and advisors, with the obligation to, at arm’s-length evaluate projects of related part nature and their commercial viability.
Nomination Committee
In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the three largest shareholders in the company shall have the right to each appoint a member to the Nomination Committee. The fourth member of the Nomination Committee shall be the company’s Chairman of the Board.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by mail to Enad Global 7 AB (publ), Att: Nomination Committee, Sveavägen 17, 5th floor, 111 57 Stockholm or by e-mail to ir@enadglobal7.com no later than March 1, 2024.