On March 1, 2021, Enad Global 7 AB (publ) (“EG7” or the “Company”) announced the closing of the acquisition of 100 percent of the shares in Piranha Games Inc. (“Piranha Games”) for a consideration of approximately CAD 31.4 million, plus an additional consideration of up to a maximum of CAD 63.4 million, on a cash- and debt- free basis (the "Transaction"). The initial consideration was paid partly in shares in EG7 and partly through a cash payment and 50 percent of the Consideration Shares (as defined in the announcement), equal to approximately CAD 5.2 million, equivalent of SEK 34.4 million at the closing of the Transaction and approximately SEK 39.1 million using the exchange rate as agreed on, was held back (the “Holdback Shares”) to be earned by the sellers over a period of twelve months, subject to certain conditions. EG7 has today resolved on a directed share issue to Piranha Games of 458,899 shares in the Company as the final payment for the Holdback Shares in the Transaction. The directed share issue will be made at a subscription price of SEK 85.32 per share which was established at the closing of the Transaction.

The directed share issue to Piranha Games will result in a change of outstanding shares and votes in the Company with 458,899 shares, from 87,118,089 shares to 87,576,988 shares and a change of share capital with SEK 18,355.96, from SEK 3,484,723.56 to SEK 3,503,079.52.


Ji Ham, Acting CEO
Phone: +46 70 065 07 53

Fredrik Rüdén, Deputy CEO and CFO
Phone: +46 733 117 262


EG7 is a group of companies within the gaming industry that develops, markets, publishes and distributes PC, console and mobile games to the global gaming market. The company employs 470+ game developers and develops its own original IPs, as well as acts as consultants to other publishers around the world through its game development divisions Daybreak Games, Piranha Games, Toadman Studios, Big Blue Bubble and Antimatter Games. In addition, the group's marketing department Petrol has contributed to the release of 1,500+ titles, of which many are world famous brands such as Call of Duty, Destiny, Dark Souls and Rage. The group's publishing and distribution departments Innova and Fireshine Games hold expertise in both physical and digital publishing. EG7 is headquartered in Stockholm with approximately 880 employees in 16 offices worldwide.

Nasdaq First North Growth Market Ticker Symbol: EG7

Certified Adviser: Eminova Fondkommission AB, Phone: +46 8 684 211 00


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The information was sent for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at the time stated by the Company’s news distributor, Cision, at the publication of this press release.